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PTECH & STEM Pathways

Forging Pathways to a

Promising Future

Lewisville School of Science & Technology offers diverse academic pathways, including PTECH and comprehensive STEM options. These specialized programs prepare students for success in technology and science-related fields, with hands-on learning and personalized support. Join us on this transformative educational journey to unlock exciting opportunities and shape future STEM leaders and innovators.

A hand adjusting a wing nut seen through a green filter
Students testing electrical circuits seen through a green filter

What is STEM?

STEM is short for science, technology, engineering, and math. STEM teaches science, math, and engineering as a whole, using technology to relate learning to the real world. STEM education and training increase the number of college science and technology graduates entering a growing workforce. Students succeed with in-demand STEM jobs!

STEM challenges students with projects, concrete knowledge, and experience. For example, a digital-drawing program may be included in a geometry lesson. STEM is hands-on, mind-on, and feeds natural student curiosity when they are most ready to learn.

student watching a robot holding a puzzle piece seen through green filter

Why is STEM Important?

STEM is everywhere, shaping our daily lives. Walk outside into nature (science), pick up your cell phone technology, drive a car designed by engineers, or bake brownies using math to measure, and select the correct oven temperature and timing. We are a technology-driven society and those with STEM skills better meet challenges and enjoy a higher quality of life and greater income. STEM careers are also “helping” professions that solve the problems facing our communities with rewarding work. The skills that all students need to develop in order to succeed in the information age include:

  • Learning Skills: critical thinking, creative thinking, collaborating, and communicating.

  • Literacy Skills: information, media, and technology literacy

  • Life Skills: flexibility, initiative, social skills, productivity, and leadership.

How does education & STEM work together for STEM Careers?

Education and employability or STEM fluency skills are key to success in STEM professions. 95% of jobs paying a livable salary will require some combination of education beyond high school, on-the-job training, and/or work experience over one year. According to the Texas Workforce Commission, Texas has a strong middle-skill STEM market with high demand and high wage opportunities.

60% of middle-skill STEM jobs require only six months of formal classroom training. If students pursue an associate degree in STEM they will earn between $75,000-$100,000. Slightly greater than those with a Non-STEM bachelor’s or master’s degree.

See our PTECH & STEM Pathways

Our Pathways

Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools (P-TECH) are innovative open-enrollment high schools that allow students an opportunity to receive both a high school diploma and a credential and/or an associate degree. The hallmark of the P-TECH model is its career focus and the provision of work-based education.


Learn more about our unique academic program that incorporates virtual curriculum and project-based learning.

Biomedical/Health Science

Discover our innovative STEM pathways designed to prepare students for exciting and lucrative emerging careers.

Computer Science/Cybersecurity

Learn more about our unique academic program that incorporates virtual curriculum and project-based learning.

Business Management

Discover our innovative STEM pathways designed to prepare students for exciting and lucrative emerging careers.