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Robotics / Advanced Manufacturing Pathway

Innovations in Industry,

Building Your Future

Lewisville School of Science & Technology offers a specialized program in robotics and advanced manufacturing. Through hands-on experiences, students learn about cutting-edge technology and develop problem-solving skills. Join us on this exciting journey to become skilled innovators and engineers, shaping the future of automation and manufacturing.

A hand testing circuits on a computer circuit board seen through green filter

Our Robotics / Advanced Manufacturing Pathway

Work Based Learning

Competitions including Skills USA, Local STEM events, & Manufacturing Internships

Earn your Certification

FANUC Robot Operator 1

9th Grade Principles of Applied Engineering provides an overview of the various fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and their interrelationships. Students will develop engineering communication skills, which include computer graphics, modeling, and presentations, by using a variety of computer hardware and software applications to complete assignments and projects.

Upon completing this course, students will have an understanding of the various fields of engineering and will be able to make informed career decisions. Further, students will have worked on a design team to develop a product or system. Students will use multiple software applications to prepare and present course assignments.

A hand spinning a model in front of a computer screen seen through green filter

In 10th Grade Robotics I, students will transfer academic skills to component designs in a project-based environment through the implementation of the design process. Students will build prototypes or use simulation software to test their designs.

Additionally, students will explore career opportunities, employer expectations, and educational needs in the robotic and automation industry.

Boy adjusting parts of a robot seen through green filter

In 11th Grade Robotics II, students will explore artificial intelligence and programming in the robotic and automation industry. Through the implementation of the design process, students will transfer academic skills to component designs in a project-based environment.

Students will build prototypes and use software to test their designs.

Students will build prototypes and use software to test their designs.

student watching a robot holding a puzzle piece seen through green filter